Worship Services

Weekly worship is at the center of Trinity’s common life together.

We welcome all to meaningful, Spirit-filled, worship services on Sunday mornings.

Worship with us on Sunday Mornings!

During the Program Year (from September – May), we offer two services: at 8am and 10:30am. During the summer months, Trinity offers one service at 9am on Sunday mornings. Sunday worship includes scripture, insightful preaching, robust singing, and sharing in the sacrament of Holy Communion (to which all baptized Christians who have received their First Holy Communion are welcomed).

Mid-Week Lenten Services

During the liturgical season of Lent (during the 40 days leading up to Easter), we offer a service on Wednesday evenings. These contemplative services include music, scripture, and reflections from Pastor on particular biblical themes. The services typically begin at 6:45pm and last 45 minutes.  

Visitors and Newcomers

We are particularly delighted to welcome visitors to our worship services. Trinity’s worship follows a liturgical format which is centered in our hymnal and service book, Evangelical Lutheran Worship. Because our worship follows this format, the basic structure of our worship services remains the same from week to week, with much flexibility in the particulars. Each week, we sing hymns and canticles, we hear the Word of God in the Holy Scriptures, we hear a sermon, we pray together, and we share in Holy Communion. Nourished by the Eucharistic meal, we are sent out, empowered by the Holy Spirit, to do God’s work in the world. Everyone who attends receives a bulletin, which includes the order of service, including the texts of the weekly readings and prayers, as well as weekly announcements and a calendar of upcoming activities.