Committees of the Church

Trinity’s governance makes use of a mighty and effective committee system, with countless volunteer hours offered to help our congregation run with best practices and in accordance with our own constitution, the bylaws of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in American, and, most importantly, with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Church Council

The Church Council is made up of 12 elected leaders of the congregation and our pastor. Meetings are held monthly to oversee the operations of the church.

Christian Education

The Christian Education committee believes our spiritual formation is a lifelong process. They provide Christian education for all ages on Sundays from September to June. There are other opportunities for spiritual growth and faith development at our summer Bible Study, and Vacation Bible School.

Worship and Music

This committee meets quarterly to assess our weekly worship, to brainstorm and plan for the major feasts of the church year, and to offer counsel and feed back to our Pastor and Cantor, who plan our weekly worship.

Safety and Security

This committee is focused on protecting people and property and preparing members for emergencies including first aid, CPR, AED use, and fire protection.


The Property Committee oversees the maintenance and care of all church property.


The Stewardship committee promotes the financial care for all that we have been given from God and leads members to informed and grateful giving.


The Endowment committee is responsible for the oversight and management for our financial investments, so that our future of our congregation may be ensured.


The Finance committee provides financial oversight for the church. Typical tasks include budgeting and financial planning, financial reporting, and the creation and monitoring of internal controls and accountability policies.

Helping Hands

This committee plans and oversees various social activities of the church and raises finances to support the maintenance of the church as well as outreach opportunities.

Mutual Ministry

The Mutual Ministry committee is a small group of caring members who support the ministry of the Pastor. The committee is a listening post for the Pastor and shares the attitudes and conditions within the congregation.


This committee cares for and supports the professional staff of our church.


The Evangelism committee is in charge of leading the congregation in welcoming visitors, making sure the church and its activities are known to the outside community, and occasionally organizing activities to expand our church fellowship.

Social Ministry

This committee coordinates fundraising events with the funds going to help those in need both within the church and those in the community. They also help members become more aware of the needs of the wider community so that they might bring to them the healing light of Jesus Christ.


The Memorial committee is responsible for maintaining a register of Memorial gift receipts and expenditures and maintaining a prioritized list of requests for Memorial funds.