Please join us for worship and our Annual Meeting, this Sunday, January 26, the Third Sunday after Epiphany. We’ll have one Service of Holy Communion at 9am, in the sanctuary and online. There will be no Sunday School this week. The meeting will follow the service. Materials for the meeting are enclosed below, and some paper copies will be available at the meeting. All confirmed members of the congregation are eligible to vote at the meeting.
God’s glory is revealed in the reading of scripture. People stand at attention. People weep. People prostrate themselves in prayer. The unity of the church is another reflection of God’s glory. Most gloriously, the promises of God are fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ. Gather round. Listen up. Glimpse the glory of God.
Follow this link to the online bulletin for Sunday, January 26.
Notice of Annual Meeting: We will have our Annual Meeting on Sunday, January 26, following the 9am Service of Holy Communion. Please note that we’ll only have on service that morning, and no Sunday School. All voting members of the congregation (those who are confirmed and older) are welcome to participate in the meeting. We will not be offering the meeting over Zoom. The supporting materials for the meeting are linked below:
Minutes from the 2024 Annual Meeting
Proposed Budget for 2025
Proposed Budget for Fox Fehnel Fund
Proposed Budget for Phase III – IV
Thank you: Thanks to everyone who braved the cold and potential snow last weekend. The snow arrived as we were departing from the 10:30am service, just in time! We completely understand those who stayed home out of caution. We hope to see you this Sunday for the 9am service and Annual Meeting! Thanks also to those brave souls from Young at Heart and our Handbell Choir who came out on an abysmally chilly Tuesday. Young at Heart has planned some lovely events for the coming year, and cheerfully remind you that everyone is invited to their events! The Handbell Choir has a new ringer – Janice Williams has joined our ranks, and has very quickly caught on to the challenges of ringing. We had an excellent rehearsal! Thanks also to everyone who contributed to this year’s Annual Report, with particular thanks to the Finance Committee for their tireless work in putting together the 2025 Proposed Budget. It’s a lot of hours, much fine detail, and requires the balancing of faith-filled hope for the future with sober fiscal realism. Finally, many thanks to those who came out on a cold (are you sensing a theme?) Saturday morning to clean the kitchen in anticipation of our PA Dept. of Agriculture inspection, which was passed on Tuesday with flying colors. Thanks also to those individuals who make sure we have the appropriate licensure for our events, yet another bit of behind-the-scenes work that helps us remain copacetic on all levels!
Save the Date: January 26 – Annual Meeting Sunday – One Service at 9am, with the meeting to follow.
March 5 – Ash Wednesday
March 12, 19, 26, April 2, 9 – Midweek Lenten Services and Suppers
April 13 – Palm/Passion Sunday
April 17 – Maundy Thursday
April 18 – Good Friday
April 20 – Easter Sunday
July 21-25 – VBS
All of the rest of this week’s announcements can be found in our Weekly Email. Please follow this link for the most recent message and an archive of past installments. The Weekly is published on Thursdays, by noon.
Please follow this link if you’d like to sign up for our communications.