Please join us for worship this Sunday, July 28, the Tenth Sunday after Pentecost.   We’ll have one Service of Worship  in the Sanctuary at 9am.  Our videographer will be away this Sunday, so the service will not be livestreamed.  The livestream will be back on Sunday, August 4.  Bron Sheriff will be offering this week’s meditation during the service, and we’ll take a Joyful Giving offering for the Nazareth Summer Lunch Program, at which members of Trinity have been volunteering all week.

Sunday is the first of five Sundays with gospel readings from John 6, the first four of which focus on Jesus as bread of life. Today Jesus feeds thousands of people with five loaves and two fish. What we have, what we bring to Jesus’ table, seems like it is not nearly enough to meet all the needs we see around us. But it is not the adequacy of our supplies or our skills that finally makes the difference: it is the power of Jesus working in the littlest and least to transform this world into the world God desires, a world where all the hungry are satisfied.

Thank you!   One last word of thanks to Katie Carr, Mandy Shuler, and all the VBS staff, with lots of support from the Christian Education Committee and Courtney Matthews, for a blockbuster week of learning, fellowship, and much, much fun at this year’s Vacation Bible School.  Thanks, also, to Pam Kalapay for her excellent offerings on guitar and whistle, this past Sunday.  Thanks to all of the volunteers who represented Trinity at the Nazareth Summer Lunch Program, this past week.  Today’s Joyful Giving Offering will benefit this program.  Finally, thanks to Kathy Sigley for coordinating a wonderful picnic for Young at Heart.  After enjoying hamburgers and hotdogs with potluck sides, attendees decorated birdhouses to take home.

Save the Date!

August 15 – Young at Heart Brown Bag Lunch, Ice Cream Social, and Game Day
September 8 – Sunday School Rally Day

All of the rest of this week’s announcements can be found in our Weekly Email.  Please follow this link for the most recent message and an archive of past installments.  The Weekly is published on Thursdays, by noon.

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