Please join us for worship this Sunday, June 9, the Third Sunday after Pentecost. We’ll have one service of Holy Communion with Holy Baptism in the Sanctuary and Online at 9am. We’re delighted to welcome the family of Charlotte Krome to church as we share in her Holy Baptism. Pam Kalapay will be joining us on guitar and whistle – it promises to be a great and tuneful Sunday of community and worship!
A house divided against itself cannot stand. Jesus makes this observation in light of charges that he is possessed. He is possessed, not by a demon, but by the Holy Spirit. We who have received the Holy Spirit through baptism have been joined to Christ’s death and resurrection and knit together in the body of Christ. Those with whom we sing and pray this day are Jesus’ family. With them we go forth in peace to do the will of God.
Please follow this link to access the online bulletin for Sunday.
Thank You: Thank you to everyone who turned out for our watch party and potluck for The Chosen. We had a meaningful conversation and enjoyed much fellowship! Thanks, also, to everyone who made Maddie Shuler’s last Sunday as our videographer such a lovely and uplifting experience. Maddie was recognized during the service, her mom and sisters offered a really beautiful hymn descant in her honor, and there was a galvanizing time of fellowship with cake after the service. We wish Maddie all the best as she embarks on a new chapter, and Pastor Spencer reminded her that she will always have a church home at Trinity. Finally, thanks to the Property Committee and those responsible for planting out the Bittner Serenity Garden – some of the lilies are coming into bloom, and they’re lovely. Stop by the garden to see the lovely flowers when you’re next at church!
Publications Update: Individuals wanting to share information in the Weeklies, bulletins, and the website from June 27 – July 14 should submit that information to the Parish Office by Monday morning, June 17.
Summer Save the Dates!
June 20 – Knoebels Day
June 22 – Strawberry Festival
July 15-19 – Vacation Bible School
July 22-26 – Trinity Participates in the Nazareth Summer Lunch Program
September 8 – Sunday School Rally Day
All of the rest of this week’s announcements can be found in our Weekly Email.
Please follow this link if you’d like to sign up for our communications.