Please join us for worship this Sunday, May 26, Holy Trinity Sunday. This is the first Sunday of our summer worship schedule. We will unite for one service at 9am, with special music from our Handbell Choir. We will also receive our Joyful Giving offering for Pink Heals, and we will baptize Jett Wenrich. Come celebrate our namesake, the Holy Trinity!
When we say God is the triune God, we are saying something about who God is beyond, before, and after the universe: that there is community within God. Our experience of this is reflected in Paul’s words today. When we pray to God as Jesus prayed to his Abba (an everyday, intimate parental address), the Spirit prays within us, creating between us and God the same relationship Jesus has with the one who sent him.
Please follow this link to access the bulletin, if you’re joining us online.
Thank you: Many thanks to this past Sunday’s iteration of our Festival Choir, perhaps the most modular group in our Music Ministry (the FC expands and contracts based on liturgical season, repertoire, and singers’ availability). We’re so grateful to them, and to all of our singers, for their work in the past program year, which they concluded with great panache on Sunday. Thank you for your gifts, so freely given to both the glory of God and for the edification and spiritual and musical nourishment of our congregation. Enjoy the summer off, and we’ll look forward to your offerings when we resume our work in the fall!
Summer Save the Dates!
May 25 – Property Committee Mulch Day
May 26 – Beginning of Summer Worship Schedule – One Service at 9am
June 20 – Knoebels Day
June 22 – Strawberry Festival
July 15-19 – Vacation Bible School
July 22-26 – Trinity Participates in the Nazareth Summer Lunch Program
September 8 – Sunday School Rally Day
All of the rest of this week’s announcements can be found in our Weekly Email.
Please follow this link if you’d like to sign up for our communications.