Please join us this coming Sunday, February 11, as we observe the Transfiguration of Our Lord, the last Sunday before Lent.  We’ll have a Service of Holy Communion in the Sanctuary at 8am, followed by Fellowship Time at 9, Sunday School for all ages at 9:15, then a Service of Holy Communion in the Sanctuary and Online at 10:30.  Pam Kalapay will be playing at the 10:30am Service, and we’ll offer a special prayer for our Boy Scouts at both services.

The Sundays after Epiphany began with Jesus’ baptism and end with three disciples’ vision of his transfiguration. In Mark’s story of Jesus’ baptism, apparently only Jesus sees the Spirit descending and hears the words from heaven. But now Jesus’ three closest friends hear the same words naming him God’s Beloved. As believers, Paul writes, we are enabled to see the God-light in Jesus’ face, because the same God who created light in the first place has shone in our hearts to give us that vision. The light of God’s glory in Jesus has enlightened us through baptism and shines in us also for others to see.

Please follow this link to access Sunday’s online bulletin, if you’re joining us for the livestream.

Thank you: Thanks to the members of our Hospitality Committee for their gracious work in preparing for Mary Ann Pratt’s funeral. Thanks also to everyone who turned out, either to the viewings or to the funeral to support Mary Ann’s family.  Thanks also to our newly installed Congregational Council for committing to another year of service!

Ash Wednesday:  This year, we have a few options to receive ashes on Ash Wednesday!  Pastor Spencer will be on hand beginning at 7 through 9 am to offer Ashes to Go. Just pull up to the carport, and he will be happy to offer the imposition of ashes and a word of prayer.  At 7:30pm, we’ll have our usual Ash Wednesday liturgy, with Holy Communion and the Imposition of Ashes.  It’s always a meaningful service – we hope to see you there!

Midweek Lenten Suppers: A sign-up sheet has been posted for those who are willing to prepare soup for our Midweek Lenten Suppers, which begin on February 21.  We’ll begin at 6pm with supper, the service will follow at 6:45.  Last year, we had an excellent variety of delicious homemade soups, shared with delightful fellowship.  This year’s Lenten series is entitled The Landmarks of Lent, and it promises to be an enriching time!  Please plan to join us, and, if you’re inclined, please sign up to make some soup to share (last year, everyone brought their own crockpots with preheated soup – setup begins around 5:45pm).

We are excited to announce the return of Trinity’s Spaghetti Dinner!  The event will be held on Saturday, March 2. Dinner will be served at 5pm. Tickets can be purchased on Sunday, February 17 and Sunday, February 24 between the 8am service and the 10:30 service. We are also seeking generous donations for the raffles to help make the event a success. If you are able to donate an item, a gift certificate, or if you are interested in volunteering to help at the event, please reach out to Courtney Matthews at or at (610) 762-6284. All proceeds from this event will go toward funding retreats and activities for our youth at Trinity.

Young at Heart has a busy agenda of activities for the Spring!  You may join us for lunch at the Nazareth Diner on Tuesday, February 20, at noon.  We will meet at the Diner.  Please sign up on the bulletin board or RSVP to Kathy Sigley.

On Tuesday, March 19, at noon, we’ll have a game day and brown bag lunch, with lots of fellowship.

Also, Please RSVP as soon as possible if you’d like to join us for a wonderful baseball outing in May.  We will go see the Iron Pigs play on Tuesday, May 7.  We’ll carpool, departing the lot at Trinity at 9am.  The gates open at 9:30, play begins at 11.  The cost of a $40 ticket will include the game as well as food and drink (which will be served from 10:30am – 1pm).  The final count and payment are due by March 31.  You may sign up on the bulletin board or RSVP to Kathy Sigley.

Food Bank Pause: The Nazareth Area Food Bank will be closed from January-March to give its volunteers a well-deserved break.  Donations will no longer be accepted.  We will begin collecting again in late February.  You may continue to send monetary donations to the food bank if you’d like.  The funds will be used to supply grocery gift cards to their clients. Their address is below. Thank you again for all of your support.

Nazareth Area Food Bank
529 S Main St
Nazareth, PA 18064

Here are two interesting articles from Living Lutheran which you might enjoy reading.  The Synod News appears to be on hiatus, we will link to the next installment when it is published.

Faith and Action

Lectionary Blog: Confused Disciples and White Robes