Join us this coming Sunday, June 11, as we observe the Second Sunday after Pentecost.  We’ll have one service of Holy Communion at 9am.  Please note:  because our two videographers are both away, there will be no livestream of Sunday’s service.  Livestreams will resume next week.  We are including the bulletin below for those who would like to pray along with us, even in the absence of the livestream.

Though Jesus was a devout Jew who practiced his faith, he was criticized for eating with tax collectors and sinners—the religiously nonobservant. Jesus criticizes the self-righteous and reminds us that mercy is to be at the heart of our religious practices. God continues to be made known in those on the margins of society, like Matthew the tax collector and the hemorrhaging woman. As we gather each Lord’s day we receive the healing that makes us well and sends us forth to be signs of God’s mercy for the world.

Please follow this link for Sunday’s bulletin.

Thank you:  Thank you to Warner and Jemmie Jones and Pastor Spencer, Amanda, Thaddeus, and Silas for representing us at the 2023 Synod Assembly, last week.  It was the first in-person Assembly since the pandemic, and there was much business to cover!

Congratulations to Laney Reese Auman (photographed above), whom we baptized last Sunday.  Her proud parents are Brendan and Alison Auman.

VBS News:  This year’s Vacation Bible School is Rocky Railway. Climb aboard for mountains of fun at Rocky Railway! On this faith-filled adventure, kids discover that trusting Jesus pulls them through life’s ups and downs.

VBS will take place on July 24-28, from 9am-12pm.

Online registration is now open. There is a suggested donation of $7.50 to cover the cost of the CD and other supplies. Donations will be collected the day of the event.

We are also in need of volunteers to help during VBS. If you are interested in helping (even for just a day or two), or have any questions, please email Katie at: katiecakes1088 at gmail dot com.

Summer Save the Dates:  There are Lots of dates to keep in mind as we approach summer.

Strawberry Festival – Saturday, June 24, 4-9pm
Young at Heart Summer Picnic – Thursday, July 13, noon.
Vacation Bible School – Monday, July 24 – Friday, July 28
Nazareth Summer Lunch Program – Monday, July 24 – Friday, July 28
Sundays on Sunday – Sunday, August 6, following the 9am service
Rally Day ’23 – Sunday, September 10

Please follow this link for the June/July Newsletter.

Please feel free to share the image below on your social media to help us advertise the upcoming Strawberry Festival, and be sure to join us for a lovely evening!