Please join us, this Sunday, March 12, as we observe the Third Sunday in Lent. Please remember that Daylight Saving Time begins, and we spring forward, this Sunday. Please set your clocks forward an hour on Saturday night! We’ll have services of Holy Communion at 8 & 10:30am (the latter service will be livestreamed), fellowship time at 9am, and Sunday School at 9:15am. Pam Kalapay will be playing and singing at the 10:30am service.
In Sunday’s Gospel the Samaritan woman asks Jesus for water, an image of our thirst for God. Jesus offers living water, a sign of God’s grace flowing from the waters of baptism. The early church used this Gospel and those of the next two Sundays to deepen baptismal reflection during the final days of preparation before baptism at Easter. As we journey to the resurrection feast, Christ comes among us in word, bath, and meal—offering us the life-giving water of God’s mercy and forgiveness.
Thank you: Thanks to all who turned out on Wednesday evening for our soup supper and Midweek Lenten Service. Particular thanks to those who prepared soup this week – there was an amazing selection of soups, and much cheerful fellowship was shared by all. Join us again, this coming Wednesday, March 15. We’ll share in the soup supper at 6pm, and we’ll continue with the service at 6:45. You can come for part or all of the evening. We could use a few more soups for the last evening, on Wednesday, March 29. Please sign up on the bulletin board, or contact the Parish Office.
Young at Heart: Save the date for Young at Heart’s planning meeting, which will take place on Tuesday, March 14, at noon. Please bring a brown bag lunch, your calendar, and some ideas for activities/outings for the year.
Easter Sponsorships: Please follow this link to access a sponsorship form for Easter. We’ll be offering lilies, daffodils, and tulips, this year. You may also pick up a form in the Narthex. Please note that the FIRM deadline for sponsorships (your form and payment) is Sunday, March 19.
Trinity Easter Egg Hunt: Saturday, March 25, 1pm, rain or shine. Please follow this link to register. Donations of candy will be gratefully accepted, please place them in the marked box in the kitchen.
Thrivent Update! Eligible Thrivent members, as a reminder, you can still direct 2022 Thrivent Choice Dollars up until March 31. Directing Choice Dollars is fast and easy! You can direct one of three ways: by calling the Member Connection Center at (800) 847-4836 and say Thrivent Choice at the prompt, or visit and click the “Get Started” link to begin, or contact your Financial Representative. Thrivent Choice Dollars can be re-directed to the church or non-profit organizations listed in the Thrivent Directory. Don’t miss this opportunity to recommend where Thrivent gives back – thanks to our generous members who have already directed their Thrivent Choice Dollars to Trinity!
March Newsletter: Please follow the link to access the March Newsletter which includes reflections by Pastor Spencer and David Ruhf, the March calendar, birthdays and anniversaries, the Synod News and much more!